How to travel to Turkey from Chile? New and good news

Despite the distance, more and more Chileans are traveling to Turkey or, at least, are considering doing so, given the interest aroused by the tourist destinations of this country between Asia and Europe. If you are also considering flying here, you will be interested to know the options you have to travel to Turkey from Chile, and what requirements are mandatory to enter the country.

New air route between Chile and Turkey

One factor that will surely increase the number of Chilean tourists in Turkey is the opening of a new air route between Santiago and Istanbul, operated by Turkish Airlines. This new route will begin operations at the end of 2024, which will be an easier and faster way to enter the Turkish country.

However, it should be noted that this is not exactly a direct route: for logistical reasons (the company does not have the necessary aircraft for a non-stop flight), the route is scheduled with a technical stop in Sao Paulo. However, as they are not separate flights, the time spent at the Brazilian airport is less than in a normal stopover, so that the total journey time is usually less than the usual 22-25 hours on the route from Chile to Turkey.

According to the Turkish airline, the route will have a frequency of 4 flights per week. And given that they are operated with Airbus A350-900, with capacity for 324 passengers, the flow of passengers on this route will exceed 2,600 per week.

In fact, this new air route is part of the start of operations of the Turkish airline in Chile, which in practice means bringing to all Chileans, directly or indirectly, the almost 350 destinations in which Turkish Airlines operates, some of them in Latin American countries, such as Mexico.

Old routes, just as operational

The opening of the new Turkish Airlines route does not imply discarding the existing options to travel to Turkey from Chile. In this case, they are trips with at least one stopover, with other companies on each leg of the route, such as Iberia, British Airways or Qatar Airways. With respect to intermediate cities, Sao Paulo remains the main route for these flights, but it is also possible to make stopovers in other Latin American cities, such as Panama City.

In addition, the flight does not have to be more expensive because the route has one or more stopovers and the journey is longer. If you explore the possibilities calmly, you may find flights from $600 each way, or even less.

Visa for Chileans: required to enter Turkey?

Another fundamental aspect for those who are going to travel to Turkey from Chile is the visa issue. But this will not be a problem, as Chilean nationals are exempt from visa requirements: neither physical nor online. It will be enough to have a valid passport, that is, valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry to the country.

This exemption applies to those who will be in the country for a maximum of 90 days within a period of 180 days. On the other hand, to stay in the country for more than this period, it will be necessary to apply for an extension of the permit. In any case, 90 days are more than enough to enjoy a great tour of Turkey. And if the idea is to take advantage to travel to other countries of the surroundings in a combined circuit, 180 days is also a more than ample period to do it.

We remind you that Turkey Exclusive does not process visas or book international airline tickets, but if you have any questions or would like to organize other aspects of your tour, we will be happy to contact you.

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