As we commented in the Visa pagepage, some formalities for travel to Turkey, including the tourist visa for certain citizens, must be carried out at the Turkish embassy or consulates in Turkey.
On this page we have compiled all the countries where there is a Turkish embassy and/or consulates for these issues.
We also show Where are the embassies of other countries in Turkey?in case you need to go there in case of any unforeseen event.
Because of its economic and geostrategic importance, its population (in Turkey itself and abroad) and its strong commitment to tourism, the Republic of Turkey has agreed to numerous diplomatic missions with other countries. numerous diplomatic missions with other countries.
Fruto de esas misiones, hay una embajada de Turquía en la capital de todos ellos y, en algunos casos, también consulados en otras ciudades que facilitan los trámites burocráticos para los ciudadanos residentes en ellas o en sus alrededores.
Este es el listado completo:
All the countries listed above have an embassy in Turkey, due to the reciprocity inherent in all diplomatic missions.
And all of them are in its capital, Ankara.
No obstante, algunos países tienen también consulates in Turkish territoryThe consulates are located either in Istanbul or in other cities of strategic importance for the country.
In this list we have compiled the embassies that may be of interest to most of our travelers, since they are in their countries of origin:
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