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Who we are

This is Turquía Exclusiva, your reliable agency in the country.

Turkey is a country with many versions of itself.
And the travelers who trust us, too: everyone has their own tastes and interests, their own priorities and needs, their own challenges and dreams.
And our agency adapts to this, offering each one of them a unique
personalized experience to make your trip unforgettable.
Pero con algo en común en todos los casos: la máxima calidad en los servicios, desde el alojamiento al transporte, las visitas guiadas o la dieta, entre otros aspectos.

And this is true no matter where you are.
You will enjoy the maximum comfort and exclusivity in both a
cruise along the Aegean coastline and the Greek Islands as in one on a gulet along the Turquoise Coast.
Sentirás el privilegio de recorrer los rincones más característicos de la
frenetic Istanbulbut also the cobblestone streets in the ancient sites of ancient sites most fascinating places in the country.
And you will admire the uniqueness of the
nature in Cappadocia or the religious folklore in Konya… among many other premium offers.

What sets Turquía Exclusiva apart is the personalized treatment of each traveler at all stages of the service.
To start with, we will assign you a
travel agent who knows the country in depth, in order to configure a tailor-made program that meets all your expectations.
And once in Turkey, we will put at your disposal
professionals at the highest level and tourist resources of the highest level: vehicles, hotels, restaurants, relaxation areas, equipment for activities… Nothing will be left to chance.

This is the hallmark of all the agencies belonging to the parent company Mandala Toursspecialized in organizing premium tours to multiple destinations in the Muslim world to show the cultural richness of each place, the hospitality of its people and the uniqueness of its landscapes. And Turquía Exclusiva occupies a privileged place in this, for being a country that offers everything. Would you like to discover it with us?

Our history

Turquía Exclusiva is part of Mandala Tours, a company that groups local agencies in countries of great tourist wealth in the Muslim world. And starting our activity in Turkey has meant a giant step forward for usThe diversity and grandeur of the country is overwhelming.
Our experience in other surrounding countries has been the best preparation to disembark in Turkey and offer the best service as a local agency.

Mandala Tours was born in 2011 in Morocco, founded by Carlos GallegoCeutí by birth and strong advocate of tourism as a vehicle for twinning between peoples, cultures and religions.
Here, together with his most trusted collaborators, such as
Leticia Mata and Rachid Ait KhouyaWe have grown professionally, serving all types of travelers: from young adventurers to families in search of comfort and safety, from organized groups to private tours in the premium segment.
The success in all these niches led us to open differentiated brands, each one aimed at a different profile, such as Chic Morocco o Tenere Tours.

But that great experience acquired in Morocco also launched us to create more local agencies in different countries, with the quality seal of Mandala Tours but with local teams and collaborators capable of showing the best image of that country.
This is how we set up Egypt Exclusive together with another of the key pieces of Mandala Tours:
Ahmed El TayebI am a member of a family that has been dedicated to tourism for several decades.
The land of the pharaohs has a special magnetism and a great importance in the global tourism sector, thus pushing us towards the internationalization of our company.

Jordan was the next step along the way, a real business and professional challenge due to its many charms and its strategic geographical location: to the attractions of destinations such as Petra, Wadi Rum and the Dead Sea we added the option of combined trips with neighboring Israel. IsraelThis opened the doors to the fascinating world of the Holy Land for our travelers.

In fact, the solution of package tours, with circuits that cover two or more countries, is another of Mandala Tours’ hallmarks: thanks to our efficient network of agencies, we can organize trips to Turkey and the countries mentioned above, but also to many others where we have reliable partners: Oman, Arab Emirates, Greece… and much more.

If you can imagine it, Mandala Tours can make it happen.
So if you have been dreaming of discovering Turkey at your own pace, you are in the right place: the professionals listed below will be at your disposal to start shaping the trip of your dreams, where you will be the main protagonist.

What we can offer you

Transportation, one more experience of the trip

Traveling is, in itself, moving from one place to another. And for the trip to be of the highest quality, so must be the transportation. We base our tours on high-end and comfortable vehicles, which allows us to reach any corner of Turkey, but also to move quickly and punctually in any city: transfers from or to the airport, pick-ups at the hotel door and any other service that may be necessary. But we can also manage internal travel by other means of transport, such as domestic flights within Turkey or even high-speed train tickets, if this is the best or preferred option for our clients.

Lodging: much more than a simple rest

A good night's rest is essential to make the most of a day of sightseeing. But our accommodations are much more than just a place to get a good night's sleep: they are unforgettable experiences, whether for their unique location, the exclusivity of their services or other elements of interest. We work with the best hotel chains, but also with boutique hotels and charming accommodations, where closing your eyes to sleep will be a pleasure.

Guided tours, to see and understand

Our travels carry, implicitly, the knowledge of what is seen. Because to be able to admire it, you have to understand it. In this way, Turquía Exclusiva has official and quality tour guides who can explain in your language everything you need to know about the destinations to visit. Their history, their natural value, their hidden secrets... But our guides not only know the keys of the monuments to visit, but also the codes of respect and kindness that our travelers demand. So, when you return from your trip, you will remember not only the valuable explanations, but also the cicerone who shared them in a close and understandable way.

Travel assistance, so that you feel supported

Traveling to another country, where the language and customs are different, can instill a certain amount of respect. But all fear dissipates when you are accompanied by people you trust, knowledgeable about the place and with the vocation to help at all times. For this reason, Turquía Exclusiva will provide you with personal assistance and accompaniment, according to the requirements of each moment. For example, for the welcome and farewell at the airport, or to attend a leisure event included in the program. But you will also feel our presence in your free time: if something happens during that time, you can contact our office by phone, as we offer a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week service. Everything to make you feel supported at all times.

Restoration, for the best taste in the mouth

We know that gastronomy is one of the greatest pleasures of a trip. A proper diet these days is key to enjoy the program with health and energy. But also, it will become a cultural experience of the most outstanding, since the culinary tradition of Turkey is one of the richest in the world. Therefore, we will take care of booking the most suitable restaurants for your tastes and expectations. In addition, the hotels selected for the tours have been chosen, in part, because their gastronomic offer is first class, which is transferred to breakfasts, lunches and dinners, when included in the program.

Activities and leisure, experiences that live on

On our trips, there is not only a lot to see, but also a lot to do.
If you attach great importance to leisure activities, Turquía Exclusiva can offer you
a wide variety of plans.
Desde actividades de aventura en plena naturaleza a propuestas de ocio en la ciudad, como espectáculos teatrales o folclóricos, sesiones de relajación en baños turcos y cualquier otra sugerencia que nos plantees.
Porque tú decides cómo disfrutar de Turquía, y nuestros agentes de viaje conocen todo lo que el país tiene para sorprenderte.

... and much more

In fact, our services go far beyond transportation, accommodation, guided tours, catering, assistance and leisure plans. Everything you need to make your trip unforgettable.Turquía Exclusiva will treat it as a priority.
Shopping, arranging a social gathering with local communities, organizing a religious activity with Turkish congregations… and much more.
All you have to do is ask, and we will get to work to make it happen.

Our human team

Carlos Gallego Fernandez Turquia Exclusiva
Carlos Gallego
CEO & Founder

Every company is a building raised by the efforts of many people.
But if it wants to have its own distinctive character, it must resemble its founder and be faithful to his values.
And in this case, both Turquía Exclusiva and Mandala Tours are the very extension of Carlos Gallego, the founder of the company.
result of his life background and a reflection of his vision of the world..

Born and raised in Ceuta, a Spanish city located in North Africa and, therefore, surrounded by Moroccan territory, it is a place where the coexistence of cultures reaches its maximum expression.
His inclination to
natural desire to discover new horizons led him to travel again and again to the neighboring country.
And his desire to share the fascination that invaded him on those trips led him to leave his job in a Spanish multinational and embark on the project of his dreams: a travel agency in Morocco first, and then in the rest of the world.

Despite the responsibility and involvement that this entails, it is not unlikely that by the time you are reading these lines, Carlos Gallego is already setting up a new destination for Mandala Tours travelers.

Mustafa Aşkın Kutun
Turkey Office Manager

This is Mustafa, the Director of the Turkey office.
He is passionate about his country, Turkey.
He is married and has a daughter.
Mustafa graduated from the tourism registration department of Bitioyo University, one of the most prestigious tourism institutions in Turkey.

After obtaining his degree in tourism, he lived in Argentina and Mexico for some time, which allowed him to broaden his cultural and professional horizons.
He is one of the most recognized guides in the industry, with vast experience and knowledge.

Mustafa enjoys traveling and has 25 years of experience in the tourism industry.
After guiding in all corners of Turkey for years, he has dedicated the last 10 years to designing and organizing tours in our office, with the aim of providing you with a unique Turkish experience thanks to his in-depth knowledge and expertise.

We are proud to have Mustafa on our team, ensuring that every trip with Turquía Exclusiva is unforgettable and authentic.

Ahmed El Tayeb
Middle East Director

Ahmed El Tayeb joined the Mandala Tours boat when he had already been sailing for a few years.
But his incorporation was fundamental, and not only because his family, a native of Luxor, has a great deal of experience in traditional boat building (
dahabiyas) for Nile cruises.
It has been key because its
deep knowledge of the Middle East the internationalization of Mandala Tours.

From our office in Egypt, he directs and coordinates the rest of the Middle East offices, with special emphasis on Turkey. diligence and professionalism of our Turkish team is on a par with those of the rest of the group’s agencies, offering a personalized service and the firm intention of making each trip a success.

Leticia Mata - Mandala Tours
Leticia Mata
Head of the Administration Department

A successful travel agency is a ship that always arrives to port loaded with satisfied passengers and led by experienced crew members.
And if Carlos Gallego is the captain at the helm of that ship, Leticia Mata is the captain of the ship.
the chief engineerThe person in charge of the operation and organization of the Mandala Tours boat.
On her depend such different and fundamental aspects, both internally and externally, as the coordination and management of the staff, the selection of service providers or their quality control.

To carry out such an important job, Leticia displays admirable order and unwavering patience, innate aspects but also derived from her professional training: she is a Social Worker and EducatorShe is able to exploit the virtues of others and lend a hand to anyone who needs it at any time.

For this reason, Leticia is also the main architect of the social part of Mandala Tours.Our agencies promote responsible tourism through the promotion of local and fair work, both men and women.
This is why our circuits take into account not only traditional handicraft activities, but also solidarity and charity projects for the most disadvantaged groups, in this case in Turkey.

Sara Samir
Sara Samir
Office Manager

Sara Samir ensures excellence at Mandala Tours as office manager, efficiently coordinating our international operations.
Despite her youth, Sara deftly manages all our offices, ensuring a smooth and harmonious operation.
Her responsibility and charisma make her stand out in her role.

Sara oversees the quality of services, customer service and all operational aspects of the company.
Her ability to understand and meet the needs of our most demanding clients, as well as to inspire our team, is unmatched.
Her caring and collaborative nature fosters a positive work environment.

Passionate about Arabic music, travel and spending time with friends, Sara brings a personal and unique perspective to her work.
Her dedication ensures that every trip organized by Mandala Tours is a memorable, personalized and high quality experience.
With Sara, our clients can be assured of receiving the best service and attention.

Tugce Turquia Exclusiva
Travel consultant

Tugce is a passionate travel consultant at Turquía Exclusiva.
Her curiosity for the world of travel led her to start her career in the travel industry a few years ago, and since then, she has enjoyed every day in this fascinating field.

As part of the Exclusive Turkey team, Tugce is dedicated to offering people the opportunity to make their travel dreams come true.
By communicating with her clients, she strives to understand their needs and provide them with the best possible travel experience.

Passionate traveler, her own travel experiences have motivated her to become a better travel sales professional.
Getting to know different cultures, discovering new places and living unique experiences is not only a hobby for her, but also an essential part of her job.
Each trip provides her with a learning opportunity that allows her to provide better advice to her clients.

Tugce is excited to continue embarking on new adventures in the world of travel and creating unforgettable memories with its customers.

Sinem Turquia Exclusiva
Travel consultant

Born on January 25, 1983 in the charming city of Aydın, Sinem is truly passionate about tourism.
A graduate in Accommodation Management from the prestigious Adnan Menderes University, she went on to perfect her knowledge with a Master’s degree in Tourism at the Institute of Social Sciences of the same university.

Sinem has forged her career with dedication and experience, starting in various hotel companies and evolving into the world of travel agencies.
Today, as Reservations Manager, she is the beating heart behind every perfect itinerary we offer.
Her commitment and attention to detail ensure that each trip is a unique and pleasurable experience for our clients.

Let Sinem’s experience and passion guide you and discover the best of Turkey with us.

Serra Turquia Exclusiva
Travel consultant

Born on August 15, 1997 in the vibrant city of Istanbul, Serra is passionate about tourism and travel.
She graduated from the Travel Department of Adnan Menderes University, and during her student years, she gained valuable experience working in a shipping agency.

After graduating, Serra applied her knowledge and skills in a travel agency, and is currently responsible for Operations and Reservations in our office.
Her charisma and competence make her an essential part of our team.

Serra is known for her ability to organize and manage every detail of travel, ensuring that each experience is smooth and pleasurable for our clients.
Her dedication and professionalism are evident in every interaction, and her commitment to excellence ensures that every trip organized by Turquía Exclusiva is unforgettable.

Hanan Souki
Hanan Souki
Travel consultant

Hanan is an outstanding professional with a strong background in Business Administration and proficiency in English, Arabic and Spanish.
She considers herself a global citizen without borders, which allows her to connect with people from diverse cultures in an exceptional way.

In her current role as sales representative at Turquía Exclusiva, Hanan is dedicated to guaranteeing maximum customer satisfaction, offering personalized service and ensuring that every stay in Turkey is unforgettable.

Prior to joining Exclusive Turkey, Hanan played a crucial role as Head of the Government Relations Department of the Venezuelan government in Kuwait, working with Gulf OPEC member countries.
In this position, she organized visits of Heads of State and Foreign and Oil Ministers, in addition to coordinating oil country conferences in Kuwait.
Her skills as an interpreter led her to work closely with the Heads of State of Kuwait and Qatar.

Hanan is also the founder of the Latin American Ladies in Kuwait and the Association of the Ladies of the Oil Countries in Kuwait, showing her commitment to the community and strengthening international relations.
She has been residing in Turkey since 2012 with her husband, Ambassador Eloy Fernandez, which has allowed her to deepen her knowledge and love for the country.

Being part of the Exclusive Turkey family is both a pleasure and an honor for Hanan, who is dedicated to making every trip organized by the company a unique and memorable experience for all clients.

Pelin Turquia Exclusiva

Born on November 8, 1988 in Istanbul, Pelin is a professional with a strong background in finance.
She graduated from Trakya University with a degree in Banking and completed a training program in Human Resources at Anadolu University.

In 2008, Pelin began his career at HSBC Bank’s head office in Istanbul.
Over 10 years, he accumulated valuable experience and advanced to become a senior specialist in the international bank lending department.
In search of a new chapter, he moved to Kusadasi to raise his family.

Pelin’s transition into the world of tourism came when he joined the Turquía Exclusiva family.
Since then, he has excelled in the role of accounting manager for the company.
His meticulousness and financial expertise ensure flawless management of the finances, contributing to the continued success of the agency.

With Pelin at the helm of accounting, Turquía Exclusiva benefits from his deep understanding of financials and his dedication to accuracy and efficiency.
His commitment and professionalism are fundamental to maintaining the stability and growth of our company.

Turkey has been, is and will always be a bridge between East and West, between Asia and Europe, between tradition and modernity... between your past self and your future self.

The experience of our customers is our best guarantee.