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8 days: Istanbul, Cappadocia, Pamukkale and Ephesus tour

8 days: Istanbul, Cappadocia, Pamukkale and Ephesus Tour

The four great destinations in Turkeyin little more than a week.
That is what this circuit offers for
Istanbul, Cappadocia, Pamukkale y Ephesuswhich makes it one of the packages that offers more in less time.
So if you only have 8 days free but want to make the most of every minute of your trip, take a look at this proposal that will take you through the most modern, the most ancient and the most natural of this country.

The Turkey you've always wanted to visit

In this 8-day tour of Istanbul, Cappadocia, Pamukkale and Ephesus are included those destinations that, for sure, you have seen many times in photographs and that you have always wanted to visit.
Who has never dreamed of entering the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul?
Who has not imagined walking among the fairy chimneys in Cappadocia?
Who hasn’t marveled at the white travertine terraces in Pamukkale on TV?
If all this was on your travel roadmap, the time has come to make it happen.

The ancient Turkey you did not expect

Beyond the major tourist attractions, such as those mentioned in the previous section, there is another Turkey that the traveler does not expect.
the Turkey of the Greco-Roman world and that of early Christianity.
¿Sabías que algunos de los lugares más espectaculares e importantes de la Antigüedad están en la península de Anatolia?
Así lo descubrirás cuando visites la gran ciudad de Éfeso y la sagrada ciudad de Hierápolis, en sendos recintos arqueológicos magníficamente conservados.
¿Y sabías que la Virgen vino a los alrededores de Éfeso con San Juan tras la muerte de Jesús?
Así lo entenderás al visitar la Casa de María, repleta de peregrinos.

Itinerary of this 8-day tour of Istanbul, Cappadocia, Pamukkale and Ephesus

8 days and 7 nights, with three internal flights to shorten the travel time and make the program more comfortable.
This is this 8-day circuit through Istanbul, Cappadocia, Pamukkale and Ephesus.

  • Day 1: Istanbul Airport – Istanbul
  • Day 2: Istanbul (Historic Center)
  • Day 3 – Istanbul – Istanbul Airport – Kayseri Airport – Cappadocia
  • Day 4: Cappadocia
  • Day 5: Cappadocia – Kayseri Airport – Izmir Airport – Kusadasi
  • Day 6: Kusadasi – Pamukkale – Hierapolis – Kusadasi
  • Day 7: Kusadasi – Ephesus – Izmir Airport – Istanbul Airport – Istanbul
  • Day 8: Istanbul – Istanbul Airport

Day 1: Istanbul Airport - Istanbul

Upon arrival at the airport (either Istanbul Airport or the nearby Sabiha Gokçen Airport), our staff will be waiting to welcome you and transfer you to the hotel. welcome you and transfer you to the hotel. It will be in a comfortable chauffeur-driven vehicle, as will be the case for all transfers from this point onwards.

The schedule for this first day of the program will depend on the arrival of the flight, but there will be time to provide basic information about the country and the trip, and probably also some free time for dinner on your own in Istanbul, since the hotel will be centrally located.

  • Meeting at the airport
  • Transfer in private vehicle with chauffeur to the hotel.
  • Check-in and information
  • Free time
  • Overnight in hotel in Istanbul

Day 2: Istanbul (Historic Center)

Istanbul is such a historic and monumental city that it deserves at least a full day to discover its main sights.
And to make this day’s program as complete as possible, we will be accompanied by an official guide, who will explain the most relevant details of each place to visit.

One of these monuments will be the grandiose Topkapi PalaceThe Palace of the Sultans, residence and seat of power of the sultans during the Ottoman Empire.
Strolling among its sumptuous rooms and its rich collections of porcelain, jewelry and weapons will give us an idea of the magnificence they reached.

We will also visit the Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque, the two great temples of the city. Saint Sophia was built as a basilica in the time of Justinian (6th century) by the geniuses Isidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles.
Its great central dome and its complex system of semi-domes marked a milestone in later architecture.
Its slender minarets were added from the 15th century onwards.
A system of domes and minarets that is also repeated in the stupendous
Blue Mosqueknown for the color of its beautiful tiles, produced in Iznik.

The promoter of this last mosque was Sultan Ahmed I, in the 17th century.
And to him is dedicated the name of the main square of the historic center, the square of
Su gran tamaño y forma alargada se debe a que se levanta sobre el antiguo hipódromo de Constantinopla.
Y por ello, hay espacio para albergar monumentos tan simbólicos como la Columna Serpentina (de época de la Bizancio griega), el Obelisco de Teodosio (de época egipcia y traída en tiempos de la Constantinopla romana), el Obelisco de Constantino (de época bizantina) y la Fuente Alemana (regalo de aquel país a finales del siglo XIX).

In addition, in the last part of the day and if it is not a closing day (Sundays and local holidays) there will be time to visit freely the Grand BazaarThe visit to the city is one of the largest in the world, with thousands of stalls where you can buy traditional handicrafts: ceramics, lamps, amulets, etc.
Lunch is included and will be taken between visits.
In the evening, return to the hotel and rest.

  • Breakfast at hotel in Istanbul
  • Full day in Istanbul.
    Guided tours in:

    • Topkapi Palace
    • Hagia Sophia Mosque
    • Blue Mosque
    • Sultanahmet Square
  • Lunch at local restaurant
  • Free time for shopping in the Grand Bazaar
  • Overnight in hotel in Istanbul

Day 3 - Istanbul - Istanbul Airport - Kayseri Airport - Cappadocia

On the third day of the tour, we will take our first flight to Istanbul flight to travel from Istanbul to Cappadocia..
Para ello, pasaremos a recogeros al hotel a la hora acordada y haremos el traslado al aeropuerto que corresponda.
Desde allí volaréis al Aeropuerto de Kayseri, donde os estarán esperando otros miembros de nuestro personal para hacer el traslado hasta el hotel, ubicado en un lugar con encanto, en el corazón del Parque Nacional de Göreme.

The flight schedules will determine the program of the day, and there may be free time before in Istanbul or after in Cappadocia.
In any case, those who join the balloon ride the next day, will appreciate resting early in the evening, as this activity starts very early.

  • Breakfast at hotel in Istanbul
  • Check-out
  • Transfer to Istanbul airport
  • Flight Istanbul – Cappadocia (Kayseri)
  • Pick up and transfer to hotel
  • Overnight in hotel in Cappadocia

Day 4: Cappadocia

For those who wish, the fourth day of the tour will start very early: around 4:00 am.
At that time, travelers who have booked the optional activity of
balloon flight over Cappadocia.
Está sujeta a las condiciones meteorológicas de ese día y debe realizarse en las primeras horas de la mañana, coincidiendo con el amanecer, lo que amplifica la belleza de la experiencia: contemplar a vista de pájaro una región cincelada por las fuerzas de la naturaleza.

Whether you choose this activity or not, the rest of the day remains unchanged: it will start from the hotel after breakfast and involves a road trip to reach the most emblematic sites of the Göreme National Parkdeclared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Among these sites will be the
Valley of Devrent (of the Imagination), full of fairy chimneys, the Valley of Pasabag (of the Monks) and the Valley of Zelvewith cave churches and other troglodytic spaces.

There will also be visits to craft workshops where two types of highly valued items are made in Turkey.
On the one hand, the red pottery of Avanos, made with local clay.
And on the other, kilims and carpets made as in the old days, which will be on sale for those who wish to buy them.

Lunch will be taken en route in a traditional restaurant, which will be yet another cultural experience.
And at the conclusion of the day, you will return to rest at your hotel in Cappadocia.

  • Optional: balloon ride
  • Breakfast at the hotel
  • Road route:
    • Devrent Valley
    • Avanos
    • Pasabag Valley
    • Zelde Valley
    • Visit to handicraft workshops
  • Lunch at local restaurant
  • Overnight in hotel in Cappadocia

Day 5: Cappadocia - Kayseri Airport - Izmir Airport - Kusadasi

On this fifth day of the circuit, the second second flightIn this case, it will take you from the interior of Anatolia to the Aegean Coast.
For this and after breakfast at the hotel, we will make the transfer to the
Kayseri Airport.
Desde allí despegará el avión hacia el
Izmir Airportwhere other agency representatives will be waiting for you for the transfer to Kusadasi. transfer to Kusadasi.

The hotel for the next two nights will be in the city of Kusadasi.
Depending on the time of arrival and once you have checked in, you may have some free time to stroll around this coastal city, which is always lively thanks to the cruise ships that cruise the Greek Islands and dock here daily.
the Isla de las Palomas and the city’s castle are the two places with the greatest natural and historical charm of this destination.

  • Breakfast at hotel in Cappadocia
  • Check-out
  • Transfer to Kayseri Airport
  • Cappadocia – Izmir Flight
  • Transfer to Kusadasi
  • Check-in
  • Free time (depending on arrival time)
  • Overnight in hotel in Kusadasi

Day 6: Kusadasi - Pamukkale - Hierapolis - Kusadasi

The sixth day will be spent on an unforgettable excursion: the one that will take us to Pamukkale and neighboring Hierapolis.
We will leave early from our hotel in Kusadasi and after a little more time in
two hours by roadby road, we will arrive at this site that combines geological and artistic beauty, and which has been declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco.

Geological beauty is concentrated in Pamukkalewhose name means ‘cotton castle’.
This is how the Turks of yesteryear imagined it, for these t
travertine traces are of a pure whiteness, like that of this natural fiber.
In them small pools are formed thanks to the waters that flow here, where it is common to put your feet to experience an indescribable pleasure.

Artistic and historical beauty is provided by Hierapolis. Hierapolis.
Esta fue una ciudad grecorromana surgida junto al travertino y el manantial, pues se atribuían poderes sanadores a sus aguas.
De esta manera, adquirió la consideración de ciudad sagrada, a lo que contribuyó la gruta de la que manaban gases tóxicos y que sirvió para la construcción de
Plutoniumdedicated to the god of the Underworld.

The walk through the archaeological site will be guided and will allow us to see such beautiful spaces as the theater or the gates of Frontinus and Domitian.
Y quien lo desee, puede dedicar algo de tiempo a un
bathing in the Cleopatra’s Poolbathed by spring waters, dammed over the remains of temples and buildings demolished by an earthquake.

Lunch will be taken at a local restaurant during a break in the tour.
And in the late afternoon, we will return to Kusadasi by road for rest at the hotel.

  • Breakfast at hotel in Kusadasi
  • Road excursion, with guided tours:
    • Travertine terraces in Pamukkale
    • Archaeological site of Hierapolis
    • Optional: bathing in Cleopatra’s Pool
  • Lunch at local restaurant
  • Return to Kusadasi by road
  • Overnight in hotel in Kusadasi

Day 7: Kusadasi - Ephesus - Izmir Airport - Istanbul Airport - Istanbul

On this seventh day, the circuit faces its penultimate day, with one of the highlights of the program: the excursion to Ephesus.
Tras desayunar en el hotel de Kusadasi y hacer check-out, nos desplazaremos al cercano recinto arqueológico para realizar la visita guiada a este sitio Patrimonio Mundial de la Unesco.

The enormous dimensions of the archaeological site give us an idea of the size of this city, one of the most important of Antiquity.
And the route will take us through much of it, with stops at such emblematic places as
the Gate of Hercules, the Library of Celsus, the Theater, the Odeon, the latrines and the Agora..
Los amantes de la Historia Antigua sabrán admirar también el lugar que ocupó el
Temple of Artemiswhich was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

And 8 kilometers away from the ancient city lies a corner full of spirituality: the House of the Virgin Marywhere it is believed that the mother of Jesus escaped from Jerusalem, assisted by St. John.
That is why it was visited by popes in the past and today receives thousands of Christian visitors.

As on the other sightseeing days, you will have lunch at a local restaurant.
At the end of the program, we will transfer you to Izmir Airport for your flight to Istanbul.
In Istanbul another private transfer will be waiting for you with our staff, in this case to the hotel where you will spend the last night of the trip.

  • Breakfast at hotel in Kusadasi
  • Check-out
  • Excursion with guided tours to Ephesus:
    • Archaeological site
    • Temple of Artemis
    • House of the Virgin Mary
  • Lunch at local restaurant
  • Private transfer to Izmir Airport
  • Izmir – Istanbul flight
  • Private transfer to the hotel
  • Overnight in hotel in Istanbul

Day 8: Istanbul - Istanbul Airport

The eighth and last day of the tour will be organized according to the flight schedule back home.
After breakfast at the hotel and check-out, there may be some free time until the agreed upon time for the
transfer to the airport .
Si no, se hará inmediatamente después para llegar sin sobresaltos a la terminal, donde nos despediremos con total agradecimiento por confiar en nosotros para este fascinante viaje.

  • Breakfast at hotel in Istanbul
  • Check-out
  • Private transfer to the airport
  • End of our services

Services included in this 8-day tour of Istanbul, Cappadocia, Pamukkale and Ephesus.

The services included in this circuit are designed to offer the greatest comfort and all the necessary logistics during the trip.
They are the following:

  • Air tickets Istanbul – Kayseri, Kayseri – Izmir and Izmir – Istanbul, with 15 kg of baggage allowance per person on each flight, as well as one 8 kg carry-on bag.
  • Transfers by private vehicle with chauffeur, to/from airports and hotels in Istanbul, Cappadocia, Izmir and Kusadasi.
  • All trips in private vehicle with driver for the visits described in the program.
  • Vehicle fares and costs, such as gasoline, parking and tolls
  • 3 nights hotel accommodation in Istanbul, breakfast only (1st, 2nd and 7th day)
  • 2 nights in hotel in Cappadocia, breakfast only (3rd and 4th day)
  • 2 nights in hotel in Kusadasi, breakfast only (5th and 6th day)
  • Entrance fees to museums and monuments described in the program
  • Guided tours described in the program, in the language chosen by the clients and conducted by an official guide accredited by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture of Turkey.
  • 4 lunches in local restaurants (one in Istanbul, one in Cappadocia, one in Pamukkale-Hierapolis and one in Ephesus)
  • 24-hour assistance service in Spanish
  • Fees and taxes

Services not included

This tour does not include the costs associated with the following items, which the traveler can customize according to his/her preferences:

  • International flights to Istanbul and return from the same city
  • Lunches on the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 8th day
  • Dinners
  • Beverages
  • Tips
  • Personal expenses
  • Balloon ride in Cappadocia
  • Bathing in Cleopatra’s Pool

The experience of our customers is our best guarantee.

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