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Cappadocia Balloon Tours

A bird's-eye view of a dream landscape

A balloon ride in Cappadocia represents the dream of many travelers: to catch a glimpse of a unique landscape, from an unusual point of view and in a magical way. a unique landscape, from an unusual point of view and in a magical way..
Se trata de una de esas experiencias que difícilmente se olvidan el resto de la vida, pues las imágenes que procesarán tus ojos se quedarán grabadas en la memoria y en el corazón.
En Turquía Exclusiva podemos proporcionarte esta actividad dentro de un circuito más amplio por la región y el país.
A continuación te contamos todos los detalles que debes saber sobre un paseo en globo en Capadocia, ya hayas tomado la decisión de volar o estés aún en dudas sobre ello.

Why take a balloon ride in Cappadocia?

Cappadocia is known worldwide for its landscapes, almost lunar or Martian, based on fairy chimneys. fairy chimneys.
Estas formaciones rocosas reciben este sugerente nombre por su inconfundible disposición: están compuestas por una especie de columna central, más o menos cilíndrica o piramidal, de roca sedimentaria y blanda, coronadas por otra roca más dura que se mantiene en un equilibrio casi inverosímil.
Y todo ello es fruto de la llamada erosión diferencial durante milenios.

Cappadocia is not the only region in the world where this type of rock formations can be found, but it is probably the most famous and the one with the highest concentration of fairy chimneys. concentration of fairy chimneys..
Adentrarse en ellas a pie o en otros medios de transporte como la bicicleta o los 4×4 supone una experiencia fascinante en sí misma, pero sobrevolarlas en un globo aerostático es, sencillamente, inigualable.

Only from the sky can we understand the power and magic of geology: from a bird’s eye view, we understand the smallness of human beings in the face of nature. the smallness of the human being in front of natureThe view of the landscape is so astonishing that it seems unreal, as if it were a fictitious set made for children.

But no: it is absolutely real and, moreover, it is much more understandable from a scientific point of view.
From above it is
easier to understand the direction of the valleysIt is also possible to see the nooks and crannies that the watercourses have been opening up to erode the softer rocks and leave the harder ones almost intact.
And it is also possible to see how the vegetation has been conquering the spaces that were favorable for its growth, while other ‘humanized’ lands emerged from the environment, used for different crops and other exploitations.

But what is interesting is not only the rational and scientific component of the balloon ride in Cappadocia, but also the emotional aspect of such a flight: admiring the stillness of the landscape and delighting in the changing colors of the sky. change of color of the sky during the beginning of the day offers a peace capable of possessing those who feel it.

In addition, the sight of some 200 hot-air balloons flying at the same time is simply is, quite simply, an image so fantastic that it looks like something out of an animated film: on the ground, columns and pyramids of rock over which hover rounded shadows in motion, and in the sky, an explosion of multicolored canvases that move seemingly slowly in unmistakable harmony.

What does this activity consist of?

The specific conditions of each balloon ride in Cappadocia depends on different factors, such as the service provider, the accommodation area of the participants, their number and other variables.
But in general terms, this activity is developed as follows:

At a very very early in the morning, between 4.00 and 5.00 a.m., when it is still dark, a van picks up the participants at their hotel to take them to theAt a very early hour, between 4.00 and 5.00 a.m., when it is still dark, a van picks up the participants at their hotel to take them to the take-off area.

During the trip and upon arrival at the take-off site, basic safety instructions will be provided. basic safety instructions related to the flight, such as the equipment to be carried on board and the position to be adopted inside the basket at the moment of landing.
Depending on the package contracted, at this time, before take-off, a breakfast may be offered.
on siteor the hotel can provide it either upon return or in the form of a Breakfast Box.

In the take-off area, the preparations for setting up the hot-air balloon will be witnessed.
This equipment consists of the aforementioned
basket (with a variable passenger capacity, up to 30 passengers in some cases, including the professional personnel who will operate the flight) and the tarpaulin, which will be inflated with heat provided by propane gas.

When the balloon is inflated and all passengers are ready, the flight will begin.
The ride has an approximate duration of
1 hourAlthough there are slightly longer flights, about an hour and a half.
The route is variable and depends on the wind direction that day, but most likely the landing zone will be different from the take-off zone.

In any case, a balloon ride in Cappadocia usually takes you through the following areas following areas:

  • Pasabag or Monks’ ValleyValley in which the fairy chimneys reach a considerable width, which led for centuries to be enabled and inhabited by hermits and Christian ascetics.
  • Valley of LoveValley in whose rock formations one can imagine elements evocative of romance and even eroticism.
  • Imagination ValleyAs the name suggests, the fairy chimneys and other rock formations can be interpreted in many other ways, with the only limit being the human imagination.
  • Valley of the Doves (Güvercinlik Vadisi)Here, the rocky walls are full of holes and cavities, used by these birds to make their home, hence their name.
    The lunar atmosphere that reigns in other places becomes greener and more natural here, to the delight of travelers.
  • Göreme village environmentThe town is the central nucleus of the National Park of the same name, which is also a protected World Heritage Site.
    While its charm is greatest when you walk through its troglodytic streets, contemplating it from above offers another breathtaking sight.
  • Uçhisar Castle: Perched on a large hill full of caves and troglodytic constructions, this fortress imposes for its strategic location.
    It was conceived to watch and observe from it, but a balloon ride in Cappadocia allows it to be observed as well.

After landing and setting foot on the ground, a toast can be offered between the passengers and the flight staff, to celebrate that the balloon ride in Cappadocia has been a success.
At this time, a
flight certificate for each participant.
Además, algunas empresas dan la posibilidad de adquirir fotografías o vídeos realizados durante el despegue, el vuelo o el aterrizaje, con una calidad profesional.

Around 8.00 and 9.00, the activity will be finished.
Therefore, it is important to emphasize that a balloon ride in Cappadocia can be inserted as a
complementary activity on a tour of the regionThe van will drop participants back at their hotel and from there they will join the program scheduled for that day.

How to contract this activity: possible cancellations

If you are interested in a hot air balloon ride in Cappadocia, just let us know and we will include it as an extra we will include it as an extra in your Turkey tour.
We will take note and book the type of flight you prefer: duration, breakfast included or not, etc.
And if you make the decision already started the circuit, you can also tell us to proceed with the reservation, if there is still availability for it.

Finally, it is important to know that balloon rides in Cappadocia may be subject to changes or cancellations due to force majeure, especially adverse weather conditions. adverse weather conditions.
Si las previsiones indican rachas de viento excesivas o precipitaciones, la actividad no podrá realizarse, por razones obvias.
Por ello, el día de antes se confirmará o no la actividad, cuando esté más clara la previsión de tiempo.

In any case, weather conditions are usually favorable for a balloon ride in Cappadocia.
According to a rough estimate, there are
250 days per year that are suitable for this type of activities.
And these days are usually the vast majority in the season from April to November.
In the rest of the months, corresponding to the winter season, hot air balloon flights are also organized, but the chances of cancellation are also higher.

For all these reasons, if you need advice on how to enjoy a balloon ride in Cappadocia, all you have to do is to contact contact Turquía Exclusiva to manage this detail within your tour around the country.
With activities like this and others that we can organize, your trip will be truly unforgettable.