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Dervishes in Turkey

Performances full of mysticism and spirituality

Witnessing a dervish show in Turkey is something that not all travelers have the opportunity to do: either because they take place in very specific cities or because the availability of shows is not as wide as in other cases, the truth is that many people miss the opportunity to see and immerse themselves in these performances full of spirituality. performances full of spirituality.
Así que si tienes especial interés en las expresiones culturales más puras y características de Turquía, echa un vistazo a esta actividad y contacta con nosotros para hacerla realidad.

Why see a dervish show in Turkey?

The dance-meditation rituals of the dervishes are distinctive cultural expressions of Turkey.
Not surprisingly, they arose in the
13th century in the city of Konyaconsidered the spiritual and religious capital of Turkey.
These ascetic-dancers of the Sufi branch, also known by other names such as whirling dervishes or Mevlevids (because they were followers of Rumi or
MevlanaSufi master who founded the order), perform these religious ceremonies before the watchful eyes of the spectators, who are immersed in this mystical spectacle, known as the samá.

Although it is a religious celebration, it can be attended by all kinds of people. all kinds of peopleThe ceremony is a very solemn moment in which the dancers aspire to reach ecstasy through their energetic gyrations and poems.
But during the ceremony, it is very important to show respect, because it is a very solemn moment in which the dancers aspire to reach ecstasy through their energetic turns on themselves and the religious poems they recite in a trance.

Such is the interest and history of dervishes in Turkey that Unesco has declared the ceremony of samá Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity..
Durante algunas décadas, al comienzo de la República de Ataturk, estas actuaciones quedaron prohibidas de manera pública y sólo podían representarse en el interior de sus monasterios, pero en la segunda mitad del siglo XX fueron de nuevo aceptadas y pasaron a ser una de las mejores muestras de la cultura turca, que posteriormente se ha exportado a otros países musulmanes.

What the activity involves

The samá ceremony is much more than a simple show of music and dance: it is a religious and spiritual demonstration in which the dancers attempt to to ascend to a mystical inner state in order to get closer to God..
Y de hecho, su vestimenta está en sintonía con ello: mediante sus giros, los mantos de su vestimenta adquieren una forma que denota ascendencia y también circularidad, lo cual simboliza la perfección y también el recorrido ante la Kaaba en La Meca.
Y todo ello, con los brazos abiertos, en señal de acogida.

To get to this moment, the ceremony began with slow movements and gestures, with chants and musical tunes based on ney flutes and daf frame drums..
En total, son varias decenas de personas (entre danzantes y músicos) las que pueden participar en la ceremonia, aunque también hay espectáculos más reducidos.
La duración de la ceremonia es de
one hourapproximately.

Dervish Samá ceremonies in Turkey can be witnessed in different cities and tourist destinations.
Here are some of the main options:

  • Konya: is the spiritual capital of Turkey, where the Sufi poet Yalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi (also called Mevlana) founded the order of the Giróvagos Dervishes, in the convent that also serves as a mausoleum for Mevlana and his closest Mevlevids and is currently the great museum of this tradition.
    This museum has an enclosure for samá ceremonies, so that witnessing one of them in this place is undoubtedly the most symbolic and emotional option that can be chosen.
  • AntalyaThis city on the Mediterranean coast was under the political and cultural domination of the Seljuk Empire, when Mevlana founded his order.
    Therefore, this tradition spread to cities like this one, where it has survived and is still preserved to the delight of its tourists.
    In fact, one of the most important museums on this mystical dance is located here.
  • CappadociaThis historical region is one of the areas of Turkey where the Seljuk imprint is most visible.
    For this reason and for the tourist attraction of its National Park of Göreme (famous for its innumerable fairy chimneys), it is common to find performances of gyrovagous dervishes in its reference localities.
  • IstanbulIstanbul: although it does not have direct cultural ties with the Seljuks, it is the country’s great showcase for foreign visitors and therefore has private venues and cultural centers where you can often witness one of these Turkish shows.
  • Seasonal music and folklore festivals: beyond the more or less fixed performances in the above mentioned destinations, it is also possible to see these ceremonies in music or folklore festivals, organized on a regular basis in the Turkish cities

How to book this activity

Witnessing a dervish ceremony in Turkey is a powerful tourist attraction. powerful tourist attractionHowever, getting a pass for it is not as easy as buying movie tickets.
Depending on the city and the time of year, there may be more or less dates available, and the purchase channels are not as widespread as those of other musical or theatrical shows.

Therefore, to hire this activity, we suggest that you contact a reliable agency, in this case Turquía Exclusiva: we will manage first hand a pass for a sama mevlevies ceremony. pass for a sama ceremony of mevlevíesand we will do it in the tourist destination that best fits in your circuit.

Don’t miss the opportunity to get closer to the religious mysticism of the dervishes in Turkey and let our travel agents advise you, who will also take care of booking the activity and organizing the rest of the details of the experience, such as transfers or dinners.