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Aegean Coast

The Turkish coast of the Aegean Sea was fully integrated into the complex and vast world of Ancient Greece. Ancient Greeceand also in that of its heirs, the Romans. Romans.
Y al legado de su avanzada cultura y saber se suman las aportaciones de los pueblos que les sucedieron:
Byzantine, Ottomanetc.
In addition, there are also the logical attractions of the coastal destinations, mainly in the form of nature and activities.
In short: a region with a
special magnetismthat attracts travelers of all kinds.

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What do we mean by the Aegean Sea coast?

The Aegean Sea Coast in Turkey extends, approximately, from the beginning of the Dardanelles Strait to the city of Marmaris..
Aguas adentro, este mar se caracteriza por las innumerables Islas Griegas, que se pueden recorrer en un crucero.
Y su litoral aparece suavemente accidentado con colinas verdes, aguas limpias y zonas de baño con encanto, donde se concentran destinos de lo más interesante y concurrido.

What to see on the Aegean Coast

Although relaxing sun and beach vacations attract tourists all year round, cultural landmarks in the form of spectacular archaeological sites, world-class museums and Ottoman constructions also have that power.
Here is a list of the main destinations we can take you to.

Ephesus and the House of the Virgin Mary

The city’s ancient port, not always in optimal conditions, was the great gateway for merchants and their goods, coming from all over the Mediterranean and beyond.
Today, Ephesus is one of the most important
the largest and best-preserved archaeological sites in the world.In the surrounding area is the house believed to have been used by the Virgin Mary after her flight from Jerusalem.


Often used in tours due to its strategic location, Kusadasi also offers some charming attractions, mainly around its castle castle (Yılancı Burnu), as well as the two green spaces of the city, in particular the Pigeon Island.
Y no faltan las propuestas de ocio infantil para quienes viajan con toda la familia.


Bodrum is no ordinary seaside town: once the ancient city of Halicarnassus, it retains a certain bohemian and exclusive air. bohemian and exclusive airwhich attracts the most premium travelers.
Sailing on its waters or frequenting its wellness centers are among the preferred options of its high-end visitors, who are the majority in the city.


Izmir is the third largest city in Turkey.
But that has not prevented the preservation of iconic monuments, such as Hadrian’s Gate.
Because of its dynamism and
open and liberal characterThe city offers a wide range of leisure plans for the whole family.


Marmaris is perhaps the most outstanding city in terms of nightlife. nightlife is concerned, something very linked to the coastal destinations.
Its reconstructed castle gives a picturesque touch to this destination that will delight travelers who are just looking for fun as a final touch to their circuit.

Plan your trip to the Aegean Coast

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