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Marmaris: nightlife and water activities in a unique setting

So close to Bodrum… and so different from it: Marmaris is a city with its own distinct character that will appeal to those who see their vacations not as a period of relaxation, but as an ideal opportunity to have fun and enjoy unique experiences. have fun and unique experiences.
En esta página te brindamos información sobre este animado destino costero del sur del Egeo turco.

Table of Contents

Where is Marmaris

Marmaris is located on the southern coast of the Aegean Sea, almost where it meets the Mediterranean Sea.
Officially, the city has only
100,000 inhabitantsThe population doubles in high season thanks to foreign tourists who spend a few days here.
The region of which it is part is

It is located in the heart of a bay which, as is characteristic of the southern Aegean coast, is embraced by gentle green hills that give a picturesque touch to the environment, even though the tourism boom at the end of the last century has erased some of that green color to the detriment of modern constructions.

Despite being located on the coast of the Aegean Sea, Marmaris is very close to the destinations of the Turquoise Coast and other points in the interior of Anatolia, such as Pamukkale.
That is why this city often serves as the end point of tours in Turkey.
Here you can consult the
distances to some of the main tourist destinations in the country:

  • Bodrum: 110 km
  • Fethiye: 125 km
  • Kusadasi: 160 km
  • Pamukkale: 200 km
  • Ephesus: 215
  • Izmir: 260 km
  • Antalya: 320 km
  • Konya: 560 km
  • Ankara: 650 km
  • Istanbul: 770 km
  • Cappadocia (Kayseri): 850 km
  • Trebisonda: 1,400 km
  • Van: 1,790 km
Ciudad Marmaris

Climate of Marmaris

Due to its southern location, Marmaris enjoys a warm climate all year round, with highs reaching or exceeding 35ºC in the summer months.
In winter, on the other hand, the minimum temperatures rarely drop below the
6ºC and with a temperate environment of over 10ºC during the day.
However, compared to other coastal destinations in Turkey, Marmaris is somewhat more humid, exceeding 1,200 mm of annual rainfall, which is concentrated between the months of October and April.
However, this fact does not deter tourism during these winter months, as pleasant temperatures are a constant and sunny days are in the majority (two out of three in the winter season).

How to get to Marmaris

By land, sea and air: getting to Marmaris will not be a problem or an inconvenience, given the variety of means of transport that can bring you here.
We analyze them below.

How to get to Marmaris by plane

The nearest airport to Marmaris is Dalaman airport, located about 95 km from Dalaman, located about 95 km away by road, which can be completed in just over an hour by car.
This airport, with
IATA code: DLMhas international flights, which are more numerous in high season.

This is a list of the most common, which may vary according to airline operations: Belgrade (Serbia), Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hannover, Munich, Stuttgart (Germany), Aberdeen, Glasgow, Bristol, Bournemouth, Exeter, Leeds, East Midlands, Doncaster, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Birmingham (UK), Ercan (Northern Cyprus), Riga (Latvia), Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Groningen, Rotterdam (Netherlands), St. Petersburg (Russia), Billund, Copenhagen (Denmark), Oslo (Norway), Stockholm (Sweden), Kiev (Ukraine).
It also has regular flights to the two main cities of the country: Istanbul and Ankara.

In addition to these international airports, it is possible to fly to Marmaris from other Turkish destinations.
En concreto, desde Ankara y Estambul.

How to get to Marmaris by car

Marmaris is served by the D400 highwaywhich is the main axis that runs along the southern Aegean coast and the neighboring Turquoise Coast.
To get there from Bodrum, you can also use a ferry that will take you to Datça and, from there, to Marmaris through that peninsula.

If you plan to drive or come by private vehicle, these are the approximate times from other strategic points:

  • Bodrum: 2 hours and 15 minutes
  • Fethiye: 1 hour and 45 minutes
  • Kusadasi: 2 hours and 45 minutes
  • Pamukkale: 2.5 hours
  • Ephesus: 2.5 hours
  • Izmir: 3 hours
  • Antalya: 4 hours and 15 minutes
  • Konya: 7 hours and 15 minutes
  • Ankara: 8 hours
  • Istanbul: 7 hours and 45 minutes
  • Cappadocia (Kayseri): 10 hours
  • Trebizond: 17.5 hours
  • Van: 21.5 hours

How to get by bus to Marmaris

Marmaris has a modest long-distance bus station (otogar).
Las principales rutas que llegan hasta aquí
from other sun and beach destinations in the area (Bodrum, Antalya, Fethiye (Bodrum, Antalya, Fethiye), but also from other large cities, such as Istanbul and IzmirIstanbul and Izmir, managed by companies such as Kamilkoç and Pamukkale, among others.

How to get to Marmaris by boat

From the port of Marmaris only boats sail to the nearby Greek island of Rhodes. Greek island of Rhodes.
Por tanto, si quieres llegar por este medio de transporte, tendrás que organizar antes un crucero por las Islas Griegas, que suelen tener a Rodas entre sus destinos habituales.

How to get by train to Marmaris

The city does not have a train stationThe railroad line does not pass through this part of the Aegean coast.

A little bit of History

The origins of Marmaris are unclear, although it is known that in the 6th century BC it was already known as. Physkosunder the rule of the kingdom of Cariawith capital in Halicarnassus (Bodrum).
And already then it would have a castle or fortress, where the current one is located (of later construction), taken later by the troops of Alexander the Great.
This small population, which would not exceed a thousand inhabitants, was later under the control of Alexander the Great.
Seleucid, Roman and Byzantine dominance.

In the late Middle Ages, Marmaris was integrated into the. Beylicate of MenteşeMarmaris was a political entity that emerged after the fall of the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum.
And it was then that it began to be called Marmaris, probably in reference to the
marble quarries and to the trade of this rock in the region (in turkish, mermer means marble).
Later, already under
OttomanOttoman military prominence because of its castleIt was used by Suleiman the Magnificent in the 16th century as a base to reconquer with a huge army the island of Rhodes, held by the Knights of the Hospitaller Order.

However, the pace of life here became rather peaceful, as is to be expected in a small fishing village with a modest harbor.
And so it went on until Marmaris once again played a role of
military base for another battlein this case, in 1798, when the British Admiral Nelson undertook the battle of the Nile against Napoleon, whose empire’s ambition was to expand in the Mediterranean.
Years later, his castle once again housed British troops in the context of these Napoleonic wars.

By then, a very important part of the population was Greek, but this practically disappeared due to the exchange of populations agreed upon in 1922. exchange of populations that was agreed upon in 1922. with the end of the Greek-Turkish War (also called the Turkish War of Independence).
This changed the composition of the local population.
And in the middle of the century, another fact hit the physiognomy of the city:
an earthquake (1957) which severely damaged the main buildings, including the castle.

This prompted an ambitious reconstruction project, which received a major boost in the 1980s due to the tourism boom. tourism boom that the city that the city began to experience, which can still be seen today.

Qué ver en Marmaris

What to see in Marmaris

Due to its small size centuries ago and the devastating earthquake of 1957, in Marmaris you will not find as many and as varied historical monuments as in other cities of the Aegean.
However, there are some places of interest that you should not miss if you are going to spend one or several days here.

The main one is undoubtedly the Marmaris CastleIt is a source of pride for its citizens and the reason why Marmaris occupies a place in some episodes of Turkish history, as we have seen.
Although its structure is the result of a reconstruction of the twentieth century, it is interesting to visit it because it has been arranged here the interesting
Museum of MarmarisThe museum, with pieces recovered in archaeological excavations of the city and its surroundings: amphorae, statues, tombstones … Walking along its walls is also a good opportunity to enjoy the views of Marmaris and its bay.

Around the castle, moreover, are the most charming streets of the most charming narrow streets of the historic centerWith nooks and crannies and slopes that take us back to the small fishing village that Marmaris once was.
Some of its stores sell the most famous product of the area: its honey, a remnant of the humble primary economy that was the protagonist here until not long ago.

The atmosphere around the sports port is very different.the sports harborthe marina, next to which the Kordon Kordon or promenade: here the ‘monuments’ are the yachts moored at the docks, which give a characteristic stamp to the city.
In the center there are also some
small beaches of pebbles, in which it is possible to take a dip.
The largest and widest are about 10 to 20 km from here (Icmeler and Turunç).

Qué hacer en Marmaris

What to do in Marmaris

The name of Marmaris is undoubtedly linked to nautical and aquatic activities, and also to nightlife.
So the main proposals to do in this city are related to it.

Marmaris is, in fact, one of the best destinations for scuba diving. scuba diving in Turkey.
In fact, small boats run by specialized licensed companies set sail from here, taking participants to nearby dive sites, where local marine fauna, such as octopus, sea turtles and a huge variety of fish, such as groupers, can be spotted.

For those who prefer to enjoy the sea but on the surface, in Marmaris you will be able to hire a wide range of boat tripsIn some cases on luxury yachts, to tour the bay, the Datça peninsula and, of course, to visit the neighboring and spectacular island of Rhodes.
However, as the latter is a Greek island, you will have to check the necessary immigration formalities.

Another way to enjoy the local nature is to enter the caves around Marmaris, in some cases with spectacular rooms and galleries full of stalactites and stalagmites and often only accessible by small boat.
Some names to take into account are the
Nimara Cave (Nimara Magarasi) and Phosphorous Cave.

In Marmaris, of course, there are several water parks that are water parks with huge slides and themed pools that will delight the little ones (and the not so little ones).
Star Aqua Park and Atlantis Water Park stand out.

And as final colophon to all this, the nightlife of Marmaris, which has nothing to envy to the main destinations of sun and beach of Europe.
Those who come to this city for it, they come almost in pilgrimage to the
Street of the Barsnear the Netsel marina, with bars open until the wee hours of the morning.

Information of interest

Marmaris has a tourist information office at the beginning of the Kordonnear the castle.
It offers the classic information of maps and leaflets, and is staffed by multilingual personnel.

Getting around Marmaris

As a public transportation solution, the city bus (dolmus) is the most advisable, with lines running through the center and hotel areas.
However, the
cab is the most comfortable option, which can be hired privately to be available during the day.
And for the more independent and sporty ones, there is a system of
public bicycleuseful for touring the coastal area.
It is also possible to rent bicycles, motorcycles and cars.
Marmaris does not have a train or subway.

Plan your trip to Marmaris

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