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Visa for Turkey

Turkey visa and other bureaucratic formalities

Citizens of some countries need a visa for Turkey, but many others do not, as Turkey has developed a policy of open borders and tourism development. Turkey has developed a policy of open borders and tourism development. which greatly facilitates travel from all over the world.
In any case, it is logical to wonder if you also need it, and under what conditions.
That is what we explain on this page, where we explain the different types of visas, their duration and how to apply for them.

Table of Contents

Types of visas for Turkey

There are different types of visas for Turkey.
Depending on your nationality, you may be required one or the other, or none at all.
These visas are:

  • Electronic visae-visa: also known as e-visa.
    It is a visa that can be obtained through Turkey’s official website: e-visa.gov.tr.
    In this case, the traveler must fill in an online form, pay the corresponding fees and download the document in digital format to carry it always with him and/or print it.
  • Single entry visa: this is the visa (electronic or physical) that allows the traveler to stay in Turkey for the specified and continuous period, in no case longer than 90 days (in the case of some countries, no more than 30 days or 60 days).
  • Multiple-entry visas: This is a visa that allows the traveler to enter and leave Turkey, which is convenient for those visiting Turkey on an international tour.
    These entries and exits must be framed within a period of 180 days at the most.
    And the sum of the days of stay in Turkish territory may not exceed 90 days.

In all cases, the maximum limit of a tourist visa for Turkey is 90 days. 90 days.
Quienes deseen permanecer más tiempo en el país deberán tramitar un permiso especial de residencia, que tiene una duración máxima de 1 año y en el que el viajero no puede trabajar.

Visado Turquía

Visa extension: Tourist residence permit

In order to stay more than three months (90 days) in Turkey, you must obtain a tourist residence permit, with a duration of 1 year.
This entails
additional paperwork, both online and in person.
En concreto, se envía una solicitud a través del portal e-ikamet.goc.gov.tr y posteriormente se concierta una cita para realizar una entrevista presencial.

Some of the additional conditions that will be required to obtain this tourist residence permit may include:

  • A bank statement proof that the traveler has sufficient funds to stay in Turkey during this time without working
  • Health insurancenot to be confused with travel insurance.
    In this case, you could apply for a local insurance policy, not a foreign one.
  • Proof of long-term housing long-term housing
  • Photographs passport size

Who needs a visa for Turkey?

There are three options regarding the need to obtain a visa for Turkey or to be exempt from it:

  • Citizens who do not require a visa
  • Citizens who need a visa and can process it electronically (e-visa)
  • Citizens who need a visa and must apply for it in person at their consulate or embassy.

The following is a detailed description of the conditions in each case.

NOTE: bilateral agreements between Turkey and other countries may undergo changesThis may affect the need to obtain a visa for Turkey.
Therefore, we recommend you to ask for information at the Turkish consulate or embassy in your country, or on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your country.

Citizens who do not require a visa

Citizens of any of the countries listed below do not need a visa for Turkey:

  • Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela.
  • Spain and the rest of the European Union countries: Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Estonia, Greece, Malta, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Cyprus, Slovenia, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal and Romania.
  • Other countries: Japan, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Russia, Albania, Algeria, Algeria, Andorra, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Ivory Coast, Djibouti, Egypt, Georgia, Grenada, Iceland, Iran, Ireland, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Kyrgyzstan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Moldova, Norway, Philippines, Qatar, San Marino, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Uzbekistan

No visa requirement for Turkey means that citizens of these countries can enter Turkey with their ID or passport can enter Turkey with their ID card or passport.The visa, which must be valid for at least 6 months from the day of entry into the country.
For these travelers, the maximum stay in Turkey cannot exceed 90 days in a total period of 180 days, although in some cases a maximum period of 1 year is stipulated.

For more information on visa conditions for nationals of a specific country, you can consult the following web site official website of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Citizens who need visa and can be e-visa

Citizens of most countries not listed above must apply for a visa for Turkey, which can be electronic (e-visa).
Specifically, these are the countries whose citizens need a visa but can process it electronically:

  • Afghanistan, Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Algeria, Armenia, Australia, Bahrain, Bermuda, Bhutan, Canada, Cape Verde, Dominica, Equatorial Guinea, Fiji, Haiti, Hong Kong, India, Iraq, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, United States, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Libya, Maldives, Mauritius, Mexico, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Senegal, South Africa, Suriname, Taiwan, East Timor, Vanuatu, Vietnam, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, Yemen

Citizens of these countries can choose between a multiple entry visa (90 days spread over 180 days) or a single entry for a maximum period of 90 days.

Citizens who require a visa and must apply for it in person

In general, citizens of countries not on any of the countries that are not on any of the above lists are required to apply for a visa. above are required to apply for a visa, and must do so in person at their nearest consulate or embassy.

Requirements to obtain a tourist visa to Turkey

If your nationality requires you to obtain a tourist visa for Turkey, you must comply with the following requirements, which are set out in Article 7 of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection number 6458:

  • Passport or identity card
  • Booking of flight or other means of transportation to enter the country
  • Credit card (Visa or Mastercard)

For citizens who are required to obtain their visa in person at a consulate or embassy, additional procedures may be required, so we recommend that you consult directly through their information channels.

Other visas for Turkey

Although the tourist visa is the most common visa to travel to Turkey, there are other specific visas that can also open doors to this country. can also open the doors of this country.
Los enumeramos a continuación, por si tu viaje coincidiera con alguno de estos supuestos:

  • Academic research
  • Job
  • Studies

In all these cases and in other specific cases that may exist, you will have to go to the Turkish consulate or embassy in your country and carry out the specific procedures to obtain it.
They are usually
longer and more documentation-intensive proceduresThe objective is to certify that the trip complies with the stipulated requirements.

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