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from Izmir

Tours from Izmir: a magnificent gateway to the Aegean Coast

Izmir, known as Izmir in Turkey, is Turkey’s third the third largest city in the country.
Y también un interesante punto de partida para tu viaje, pues reúne muchas de las condiciones que se requieren para ello.
En esta página te contamos por qué es así y también te mostramos las rutas de nuestro catálogo que parten desde esta fascinante ciudad en la Costa del Egeo.

Why make your circuit from Izmir?

Izmir fulfills a basic condition to be the starting point of a tour of Turkey: it has a large international airport with a large international airport.
Concretamente, el Aeropuerto de Esmirna-Adnan Menderes (ADB), ubicado a unos 20 km del centro.
Por tratarse de la tercera ciudad más grande de Turquía, a este aeropuerto llegan muchos vuelos nacionales, entre ellos varios desde Estambul, lo que da más flexibilidad al viajero a la hora de configurar su vuelo internacional con escalas.
Pero además, aquí aterrizan vuelos directos procedentes de otras ciudades del mundo, como Atenas, Londres, Ámsterdam, París o Berlín, entre otras muchas.

Therefore, entering Turkey through Izmir means direct access to one of the most attractive regions in the world. one of the most attractive regions of the whole country: the Aegean Coast.
The city is bathed by this sea and is very close to other renowned destinations such as Ephesus (80 km) or Bodrum (230 km).

Its port receives large cruise ships on a daily basis route through the Mediterranean.
And although it is not part of the famous Greek Islands cruises, it is very close to the Turkish port of reference in this regard: Kusadasi, about 90 km south.It is very close to the Turkish port of reference in this regard: Kusadasi, about 90 km to the south.
And as for the regular ferry connection, there may be direct connections with Greek ports, depending on the time of year and the operation of the shipping companies.
For example, Izmir – Piraeus (Athens) or Izmir – Thessaloniki, as well as Çesme (80 km away) – Chios.

We cannot forget that Izmir is also a reference in religious tourism. religious tourism.
Por un lado, está en el corazón de la zona del cristianismo primitivo.
De hecho, es una de las siete iglesias del Apocalipsis, a las que se dirigió San Juan en su libro.
Pero los viajeros judíos también encontrarán aquí algunos lugares de máximo interés, en especial las sinagogas sefardíes, fundadas por esta comunidad expulsada de la Península Ibérica a finales del siglo XV.

In any case, Izmir is an interesting city for all types of tourists, not only pilgrims and religious.
The mark left by the ancient Greeks and Romans is palpable in the form of archaeological remains such as its Agora, but also by later civilizations such as the Byzantines and the Ottomans, like those of Hisar and Basdurak.
And nowadays, Smyrna has made a name for itself on the international scene thanks to its
open and cosmopolitan characterThe city is a cosmopolitan city, with icons such as its seafront promenade, its museums of ancient and modern art and its skyscrapers, a sign of its economic strength.

Our tours from Izmir

Although our tours from Izmir are not as numerous as those departing from Istanbul those departing from IstanbulWe would like to remind you that Turquía Exclusiva can configure any tailor-made tour in the country.
Therefore, you can inform yourself about the proposals that you will find below or you can use them as a source of inspiration for your own trip starting in this city of the Aegean Coast.